Sunday, February 21, 2010

Computer For Forex Trading

Many people want to start trading forex (also known as foreign currency exchange or fx), but do not know how and what to do. The first thing you will need is a good laptop or computer with plenty of RAM (Random Access Memory where the operating system, applications and data uses to run).

The worst thing that can happen to a trader while trading is if he runs out of RAM. The computer might hang or slow down dramatically. For a little extra money, you can easily upgrade your RAM to the maximum available, in tandem with technological advances. You need to have sufficient RAM to run the trading platforms, charts and software smoothly.

Having many screens or monitors to look at different charts and live news feeds are luxuries. However, if you are a beginner and have a tight budget, you can start off with one screen/computer/laptop, and when you become more proficient at trading, you can use the profits to invest in more equipment to facilitate your trading. Make sure that you place your screen directly in front of you, and not at an angle up or down, as this would cause you to have a stiff neck and shoulder pain, after some time of sitting in this position.

Spend the rest of your budget to get the fastest system that you can afford to facilitate the ease of your chart and data analysis, and trade executions, as this is crucial in determining your profits. You need a computer with a good processing power.

Try to find a broker which provides charts and data on a gray background, as staring for long hours at the computer screen with a white background can be pretty strenuous on the eyes.

There is a whole variety of computers that you can choose from. The most important consideration is your comfort. If you are going to make trading forex a lifetime career, you must be comfortable, relaxed and enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't get what that graph shows.
    Well keep updating..
